domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Fruits and vegetables crossword

Let's see if you can find the 8 missing words of this crossword.

Webquest: You are what you eat Zunal

I’ve found this interesting website where children of all ages can learn how to make the right decision when choosing what food to eat.

Pay attention because this goes for you kiddo! J Now whenever you go with your family to the supermarket you can help and show them how to choose the right food for all of you. That way you will grow up to be strong and healthy. A good nutrition and an active life are the key to a healthy lifestyle.

 Webquest Zunal

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Cut and Paste Food Pyramid

Color and cut out the pictures and glue them to the appropiate spots on the pyramid.Do you think that you can label all of these foods? Give it a try. J Lets do it!

Here is the link where you can find the working sheet.